By @OsirisMay on Jun 08, 2014 07:24 am
I dare anyone to say ‘Prince’ is not the baddest
mother fucker on the planet. At least that was how I felt when I was growing up. I remember literally getting in fights in Jr. High school trying to defend his royal badness like I knew who he was lol. Well today isn’t that much different but without the fight. Just a heavy debate about how Prince is much more than just an lipstick wearing, cross dressing, guitar slanging dude from Minneapolis . Having met the 5 foot genius It made my point that much more relevant.
Prince Rogers Nelson is celebrating 56 years of life & music. For those that don’t know. The Kid is sitting on ten platinum albums and thirty Top 40 singles during his career. Happy Birthday Prince.
Check out 25 of the most eclectic looks of Prince from the beginning of his career to today.