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Monday, June 16, 2014

Great News for Comedian Tracy Morgan is now in Stable condition | HumorMill



Tracy Morgan Is Officially Improving!

Tracy2Tracy Morgan is improving after the car accident that left him in critical condition, according from a statement issued by his rep Lewis Kay.
“Today was a better day,” the statement reads. “While Tracy remains in critical, but stable, condition, he continues to show signs of improvement. His medical team remains optimistic that his recovery is progressing.  Megan remains by his side and is relaying the countless good wishes and prayers that his family, friends and fans have been sending their way.”
The statement also included an update on Morgan’s assistant, 36-year-old Jeff Millea, who was injured in the accident as well:

“In addition, Jeff’s wife asked us to pass along that Jeff has also shown much improvement over the past few days.  She is very thankful for the love and support she and their family continue to receive.”
Morgan and Millea are two of the seven people who were in Morgan’s limo when a truck, driven by Kevin Roper, struck its rear early Saturday in New Jersey. Comedian Jimmy McNair was killed, while Morgan, Millea and two others were injured. Roper has been charged with vehicular homicide and assault by auto.
Morgan’s family denied rumors on Monday that Morgan’s leg was being amputated. The comedian had surgery for a broken leg on Sunday. His other injuries include a broken nose, broken ribs and a broken femur.
On Tuesday, FXX confirmed that it plans to keep Morgan’s new comedy series in its slate.
Source: Variety & Issued Statement