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Monday, February 24, 2014

KRS ONE Is Hip Hop - Review | SwurvRadio








KRS ONE – Never Forget “The Invaders” (Review)

By @OsirisMay on Feb 21, 2014 03:08 pm
KRS ONE “Invaders” track 4 on “Never Forget” Ep
In today’s rap it’s extremely rare that you hear rappers rapping about anything other than Bitches poppin mollys. Drinking and getting high is the regular dialogue for most of today’s “regular” rappers. Getting money what Hip Hop club was on smash and who they smashed has been said over and over in various ways and forms.
KRS-ONE is the exception! KRS-ONE is NOT A RAPPER! KRS ONE IS HIP HOP! Yes he can rap. Everyone knows he can rap circles around any rapper out right now. You are almost certain to never hear KRS ONE rapping about Drinking and Popping Pills.
It’s also rare that you will hear KRS ONE on the radio unless it’s an earlier track like “I’m Still Number One” or classicks like “Criminal Minded” “My Philosophy” “I’m Still #1″ The list goes on and on but the RADIO will never…EVER play the featured track from his new album “The Invaders”
Unlike SwurvRadio.com “The Invaders” is already in rotation. Yes we play the regular rap shit that y’all want to hear but we will never forget where we came from and since we are Independently owned we can pretty much do what we want. Hip Hop is our foundation…but it’s not about us right now… this is about KRS ONE. This is about his message in “The Invaders” It’s about Politics, Its about Culture, Freedom, Human Rights. “The Invaders” is about Immigration and how before Anglo Americans so called “Discovered America” it was 1 already discovered and 2 never had borders. There was no immigration laws.
How Can They Reform Immigration, When They Invaded Their Neighbors.
You didn’t need a visa. You could come and go as you please. But “American History fails to TEACH us the truth. As a kid growing up around Hip Hop and learning from Rappers like KRS ONE, RAKIM and groups like Public Enemy who had a message in their music has faded away just like Civil Rights leaders like Al Sharpton & Reverend Jesse Jackson. It simply just doesn’t exist. I stand corrected. It exist. They exist but as far as rappers in Hip Hop you just don’t hear any sort of political views or anything that will actually teach you anything worth learning. We all know how to drink and smash hoes. Do we all know the Emancipation Proclamation?
KRS ONE “The Invaders” is the greatest rap that you will never hear on FM RADIO that addresses immigration and mexican people. If you are a SO CALLED HIP HOP station I Challenge you to Put “THE INVADERS” into rotation. IF you are a DJ…BREAK THIS RECORD! I challenge you to get this record on the Billboard charts. If we can get Nicky Minaj “Lookin Ass Nigga” on the charts then we need to balance it out with 2-3 tracks that Kick Knowledge. We need to even it out. Let’s break the cycle of NOT PLAYING political Hip Hop that will make you think. We need to start thinking again people.
I’m out….
Do yourself a favore and Buy the album “Never Forget” and make sure you check out KRS ONE “The Invaders” PLEASE SHARE THIS POST AND HELP US MAKE SOME NOISE! PEACE.
[Verse 1] America existed before Columbus
Thirty thousand years ago we were here in Mexico
Where’s all my Motiacans at? Cock your rifle let it blow
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow all invaders gotta go
This one for my people, my Mexicano people
The whole earth is yours and no human is illegal
Come across the border every woman and man
The US is the alien, Mexico this is your land [Verse 2] We see the same men living out like cavemen
Coming out the cave and them trying to enslave men
How can we obey them? It’s better we betray them
Rise up like the reverend Nat Turner and slay them
Mexican people get your education
Tell your little children that this their nation
You own California, You own Arizona
You own San Diego, and Texas the Lone Star [Verse 3] Take a look at Mexico, then look at New Mexico
What is a New Mexico if there is a Mexico?
All of America They used to call Amexem
Immigration laws are a fraud and we reject them
We are the Olmec, Toltec, pyramid builder
Astronomer, philosopher, and healer
Mexican people rise up right now
And realize that this is your land now

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